Thursday, April 30, 2009


ha ha
dun shock when c the title
dun worry....
I'm not ready to wedding yet n haven't reach time to marry also
i'm still young
i'm still study
i'm still want to learn many things
i'm havent stand on this society yet
many things coming to challenging me
so 'wedding' for me still got long long time
dun fast fast to think this
is my aunt's wedding la
she prepare to wedding this year
2day i go with her to see the wedding clothes
n also c the price n discuss the wedding's package
when we go in the shop
the girls wok at there serve us very well
they ask us to sit down n give some wedding 's book to see
when we see the first page...
the picture attractive our eyesight...
it's so beautiful and sharp....
the clothes very nice
some more the guys very leng lui n leng zai..
we start to talking n discuss
they explain us hw the package look like
and others....
so many things wan to prepare leh...
so tired at there
but quite happy coz can see the 婚纱....
we talking so much n forgot to see wat time
see...hw the wedding can attractive us until forgot the time
already 3.30pm liao
finally we finish talking
n confirm use this wedding's shop
finally finish lol....
yea yea
we can go to eat lol
my aunt hungry until almost pengsan liao
hehe..kidding la...
eat eat eat
we go to the BREAM MALL to eat
after that we go back home..

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