Monday, June 1, 2009

Good News or Bad News....???

2day first day start skul liao early class at 8am....2day wake up at 6am....haiz...i wan sleep a bit more la...WHY...why the this sem time table not good wan..monday class at 8am n thursday class finish at 8pm...WOW...TARC !!!!!!!!u so GOOD ah.......Watever....we also need to follow...complaint also no use wan de...FOLLOW la....the first class that we attend is English For Mass Communication...the teacher is guy n malay.....he so 'luo so' ....many things to take two hours to finish one thing already change in this sem is...the coursework of the English For Mass Communication is 60% liao n the final is 40%...harr......y change hard to score 60% la even the 40% hard to score it dun said 60% la..haiz.......watever la..TARC ....!@#$%^&*()_+_)(*&^%$#...after that we go to attend class at only one hour friend go to canteen buy bread n we go to class waiting coz no others place that we can we walk to V block...v go to class but there got teacher at first saw the teacher i duno guy or gal..coz the teacher hair a bit long but not too my friend n me scare to go inside....we find a room n waiting coz havent reache time yet.... we sit at class to rest....after minute ago...i go to see the door is close n i ask my friend wanna go inside anot....we take bag n go inside the class. i open the door n see people inside the teacher is leave liao..that is our thinking....v closed the door n sit n v play the projector..suddenly my friend go near the door..the door is open ....i thought my classmate is coming...when we the just nw teacher n we shine..we go back our place n sit...the teacher is guy n for me i look at him i will think MICHAEL JACKSON...he really look like coz his face white bi=ut not so white la..n his mouth red....hAHA..the laugh things is when he talk to us prefer chinese or friend said chinese the teacher speak chinese ...some i can hear wat mean teacher speak some i cant so my friend answer teacher question...i really canot hear wat he said when he speak chinese or english..either one la....i duno is my chinese 'TUI BU' LIAO LA...or wat la...i talk to my friend about that...she also laugh....the teacher said to us again with chinese...n we SAID 'HARR....'the teacher repeat again n said better speak english la....HAIZ.....after that my friend said she got caller wana go out so i also go out with her...coz i scare i sit alone inside class with the teacher....BLA...BLA..BLA....BLA...BLA...the class finish n we go to canteen eat..after that we go to library playing computer n online...coz want waiting next class that is at 2pm....waiting ...waiting...waiting..the time is 1.30pm...we walk to class that is far away.....our class at DKABD ....reach class jor...but inside got many people..the worst things is no warm n warm...some more many people inside at the down there...finally we know that is our junior GRAPHIC DESIGN YEAR ONE...that is teacher teache them ...we hear the sound look like some one ...n we see is NCF...our previous lecturer...he teach us drawing....nw he teach them conceptual design...they so cham wo..let NCF teach....haha....after a while..our lecture come liao n start to teach...she said she is 'DAI KE' ba liao...not ms jacqueline....she will teach us few week only....she start to teach ..when she explain the coursework n give assignment...i saw that write 100% coursework n no final exam..everybody happy about that...she also said drawing n layout n illustration also same things...that is 100% coursework...HARR.....y like GOOD news OR BAD news leh.....i still thinking......let give me time to suitable it...coz pass or fail that is me to control it...if i simply do the assignment i wil i must do it well....gAMBATEH ba.....

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