Sunday, May 17, 2009

scare is scare......怕就是怕

yesterday night i watching de ghost programmme...the programmme was known by my brother he ask me to watch it coz it quite interested and can see the things move without people touch it...the programme is call..鬼话连篇...when i start to watch this programme i really scared scared de ....but after i watch many many times i can watch it without something put in front my eyes to see it...but after watch it i scared sleeping only me...luckily got aunt teman me....BUT....yesterday my aunt go to kuantan n leave only me sleep alone....SO Scared..wowwwoowoww....yeaterday the programmed really scared me..u all noe mah...the host stand there n did the experiment to see there got any response anot..i n my brother n mother love to see the experiment coz got something we can to see..the host stand there not so long time...suddenly the two door close by itself....%^%%^_+_+_+{}|{65%……% haha..i wan talk something out but canot write it out la....SCARED ME....yesterday i slept mum said go to he room sleep or sleep without close light or open the brother said wan to use the computer so think not need la..i faster faster watch my face n did everything fast fast n go to bed n sleep....FINALLY....hah..haha.....

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