Friday, July 31, 2009


many people give MS.JAC see the typo..
on first i dun wan let her see de..
coz i dun hav finish 10pieces...
n show her on monday..
after my friend show her..
she come out said will minus marks
if on monday
so i decide show her with my another friend...
we chit chat with the teacer...
teacher alos chit chat with us...
we ask the typo..
she show us the lyrics...
senior wan..
crazy meh..
y so beauty wan
let us more stress le..
we need to more beauty then them leh
teacher said must do more beauty then thme..
hw can
impossible ...
she comment..
some she said good..
n one of that she said beauty
n approve it.
another she said can but need to change a bit..
also approve..
another ahe also approve to me that use for backup...
relax a bit..
nw i rest..
play facebook..
msn with friend..
share my happy thing with my friend
my friend..
u r my best friend
always hear my college life
n i also like to talk to u..
any problems i first think is u..
thank friend..
u r the on who help me a lot..
i really thanks to u..
if dun hav u...
i duno what to do..hw to do...
i will remember u forever
:) -__- @__@

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