Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mid Valley

yesterday out with my friends...
morning i wait another friend to call my friend n my friend will come n fetch..
long time my friend n i wait...
my dear lai yee...
fast la...
finally my friend call me that come n fetch me first lol...dun wait her call lol..
i said ok la..
i wait my friend downstair
not so long..
the other friend call me that she already reach skul liao..
i said we on the way...
first time my friend fetch me..
duno hw she drives
about 5 min....
i saw my friend come already ..
then we go to skul...
on the way...
my friend n i very very hot..
coz the sun
n she said cancil is like that...
very hot when got sun...
we look like roaster...
v reach skul jorr....
see my friend waiting there...
i go down very fast coz my friend say she waiting us inside the car...
v fast fast go inside the skul n take cert..
the teacher said nw canot take..
need to wait until 1pm like that just can take
y la???
canot take...
wei wei
i come back skul many time lol...
still cant take..
nvm lol..v go back see first wan to wait ma...
my frined said dun wan wait la..'so v go to gai gai...
v still wana go to midvalley...

v take this photo at toilet....

v eat our lunch at this restaurant..

their logo...
nice leh..
my dear take wan de....

nice !!!!nice!!!!!
i like it..
my friend dun like the milk .....

my order wan...
my friend recommand ..
not bad....

my friend eat this...
delicious also....
she gave me one piece of prawn

fresh .....
sushi king canot fight with them la....

first time eat this....

i like this...
when i eat this..
i immediately said sushi king bankrap la...
my friend canot hear me what i said...

Ah yee n Ah meng

me n Asther...

v almost spend 2 hour in the restaurant there..
coz very delicious the food...
need to XIANG SHOU
nice ah...
delicious ah...
fresh ah..
good ah...
geng ah...
many people come to eat...
v finish v go to pay bill...
i look like saw our bestari friend..
but i not sure..
my friend also said look like her..
but is her la..
i immediately go outside call her...
really her...
she come here to take photograph
she buy the DSLR
almost 3k..
rich wo..
she said teacher must buy...
v talk a while.
after my friend finish paid bill.
then we said bye bye to my friend..
v continue pur programme..
v see see around n walk walk around...
time around 6pm.
v decde go back home..
coz the ktm sure will many people if go back late..
v take ktm
my friend fetch us go back home...
she send my friend go back home first
she said sh know go back from taman wahyu there...
my friend....
v almost wan missing place la..
next time tell early la....
BUT thanks send me back home...
see u next time lol....

Thursday, June 25, 2009


nothing special...
call my friend out..
then we goto jasco after i finish class...
my friend send messege me when i on the class
she said she boring when i will finish
i reply her n tell her wait a while..class will end soon..
my dear...
i wait u b4 also long time...
that time i wait u like 4 n 5 hours leh..
nw just two hours u wait for me u already bek tahan..
b patient dear..
i finish class jorr..
i immediately send messege to my friend that i finish class jorr....
wait at canteen there..
i walk to the canteen there after i said bye bye to my friends...
so many people there wo
i walk in front.
hey ..
canot see
coz i too short
in front people too tall liao...
wei wei wei...
i cant see...
i turn my head to back..
my friend leh..
she come in front to me
she said y u dont hear hp...
u got call me meh...
i see my hp... wo..
sorry ya..
i canot hear coz too bising..
i will change my phone when i got money...
that time i sure will hear ur call de...
we decide go to jusco..
coz only one choice
the other place we duno hw to go..
scared scared we duno go where liao..
we take metro bus go..
we chit chat a lot..
reach there we also chit chat
eat we also chit chat
walk walk around also chit chat..
so many topic we talk...
talk talk...
after we walk around..
my friend said wana walk back to skul mah..
i said can la if u wan
she said ok we walk back to skul
we decide walk back to skul
i change my nack to her..
coz she said she wan help me take
my dear...
u make sure anot..
it so heavy leh..
haha..she said can la..
ok la.
u said de
u take la...
we start to walk
havent half way..
i told my friend i wanna took bus la.
i bek tahan liao...
she said walk la..
havent tryy mah..
i sambil walk sambil laugh...
i told myself cool down..
if not 6pm havent reach skul
i continue my walk..
my friend also..
first time walk back to skul...
rm1 doller alos wan to save..
crazy us la..
when v reach the tbr there
i told my friend wana drink cold water mah..
she said ok la..
very hot nw..
v go find place sit down n order drink..
i order long yan sui....n my friend order ai yu bin...
come jorr...
drink come jorr...
i fai fai drink it..
my heartbeat very fast n fast..
i need rest for a while..
i ask my friend watt time nw..
she said v take half an hour to walk...
not so long ah..
but tired also...
next time i will think about it liao...
after drink ..
we go to buy things.....
after finish..
we walk back to skul..
tired neh...
my friend wana go back liao..
so i go to CIT there on9..
CIT there i searhing the assignment about layout..
outside raining leh
some more got thunder
i tell my dear friend here got thunder i scared scared.
then she reply me that my beside got people she or boy..
she said i go there ask whether can hug u anot..
i told my friend my beside people is gal wo..
i told my friend suppose sit beside guy right..
my friend ask me change nw. friend..
i wont do like that..
coz got many people here...
it so shine...
we msn very long time...
i told i doing researching...
about layout..
she recommand some restaurant...
she said very nice...
ok la..
u send send to me la...
time pass very fats..
i need go back la...
i scared scared
coz got thunder
i walk very fast..
see u again friend...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My birthday

2day my birthday....
i thought only my friend , jes noe de
DIM JI....
my friends noe 2day is my birthday...
thank you u all wo..
i very very happy...
english class my friend ask me wana go to eat anot..
i said ok lol..
finish class
my all friend said go to jusco there eat..
my friends come to me said HAPPY BIRTHDAY
thank you very much....
then v go take rapid bus go jusco
reach there
v go to MCDONALD.....
v find a place to sit..
then v go to buy burer..
i order MC CHICKEN
my friend also....
another friend order apple pie o eat..
the food is come...
v take it n go to our place there...
v sambil makan sambil bersembang
when v finish eat...
my fiend go to other people there
v all duno wat happen...
she borrow the DA HUO JI
i thought she wan use it for wat
my friend take the cake come out.
i surprise leh..
when they buy de...
watever la...
thank you....thank you....
v put the candles..
wah...19 candle leh...
they sing happy bithday song to me..
when start
the behind people also 2gether sing
shine shine leh..
but happy also..
finish jorr...
i cut cke
my friend said cut seven pieces....
it got some challenging me
but not too hard de
i finally cut liao
i seperate cake to them
it is chocolate cake..
quite delicious...
v all enjoy it...
2day thank u all celebrate my birthday
thank you....


HAHA.....happy happy birthday to me n brother.....
2day is my birthday n my bro...
last sunday my family n my aunt celebrate our birthday
we go to one utama there
there got T.G.I restaurant
v go there celebrate
coz my mum said wan GUE PA...
we go there around 12pm like that
we find de restaurant
many people there
the people work there said 2day celebrate HAPPY FATHER DAY
BUT celebrate birthday maybe can..
we go inside n find a seat..
we saw the menu..
i duno hw to saw la..
it's too complicated..
but i can understand also la...
we order five food.

my father order wan...fried rice....

my mun wan....chicken with black pepper...

my wan my wan....delicious leh wan coz father days

our drink....milk shake n two hot chocalate

my bro food..wahliao..cheese leh..yummy

my aunt food...spagetti with salmon..wah..i like

i n bro birthday cake...ais cream chocalate cake...nice wo..

see!!!!!T.G.I fRIDAYS restaurant..

my family...

wei!!bro...y u close the eyes...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


har....cancel class again...
y de teacher like that wan de...
our coursework 100% leh...
need to work hard wo
u always cancel class...hw v pass it leh..
pleade la..
dun cancel class la..
v never attend the tutorial class since open skul..
hOPE no cancel class anymore liao..
nw i at library
playing game just nw
this is my friend recommend me wan
it look like facebook
is in chinese word
the game in the quite interesting n funny..
i'm nw waiting my friend
my friend ah..
y u so late
fast fast la..
message coming..
i open it..
is my friend
1.15pm just come back skul..
ok la...
i can wait u de..
continue my game..
i wan go toilet liao
later go to see book..

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bestari Gathering

yesterday when i finish class at 12pm .....i go to canteen there meet my friend .....i call my friend whether she finish class anot.....she said havent so i wait her lol.....i wait her very boring i call to my friend see they reach anot...du....du....du.....finally can liao...i ask her where are they..she said still at home havent go out yet...she said 1pm they out home....ok lol...sudden she ask me to take out skul course de brochure....har...i blerr blerr liao....she said she want change course....wah....change course???she said she dun like de business...account course...nw she want study advertising course....i said her mum allow anot...she said can i help her to take out skul course de brochure.....haiz...very LANG FEI wo...she wan give up her study nw....finaish calling then i waiting my friend...finally i saw her liao..she said she eat bread very we go canteen brought bread...i tell her where to took the brochure about course..she said maybe at office there gua...after finish buying so we went to office there i took every course ....after took we went to take bus...about one hour journey we just reach time square.....when we reach..i asked my friend call them whether they reaached anot....har....havent we go the BORDERS there saw book...we walk walk around n see seearound....i so tire tire n we find a chair to sit....we sit there n sembang......about 2pm like that we walk outside decided wan to see got wat movie de....suddenly got one people walk toward karyn wo...haha..long time no see liao...we find a chair to sit n waiting they...we sembang a lot things .....we decided call them n tell them we wana go back liao..they XIA DAO we go the memorial there give surprise to them....haha....we sucessful give them surprise liao....i suddenly come out in front.....YES!!!!!!after that we go to see got wat movie can watc....wah so many people.....erm....night at the museum....yes again.....teminator....blood.....finally we choose blood coz other movie almost no sit we watch blood lal.....we feel hungry so we go to see got wat restaurant friend bring us to the SEK HOU 30% discount we go in ...we order food n drink....

my food ....spageti seofood with cheese....yummy yummy....

mango drink.....MAN YU rice with cheese.....spageti.....

After finish eat we immediately go to watch movie....coz already opening many people when we goin..we find our people sit wan...we told them there is our they go their seat n watch movie.......wah....GAN JIONG...SCARED.....XIA DAO.....about 5.30pm the movie finish liao....we go to meet our friend suhaida.....long time no see her liao...she just came back from perlis....we find a place to sit down n chit chat.....we went to the 10floor that is food court....they order drink......happy leh...coz long time no see my friends.....

wah...shi yan buy for me leh....HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!

MY FRIEND...lai yee...long time no see liao....

our classmate 5 BESTARI ....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

2day stomach full of food

2day after class
i n my friend take bus go to jusco
coz we want to find advertisement
saturday want present it liao
hw??v havent finish yet
n v still havent find the bad layout...
where to find it...
i'm scare lol...
when reach there
my friend said go to eat MC DONALD
chin cai la....
coz she want eat mah
so i follow lol..
coz there no more fast food n cheap price to eat liao
we order the same set
i was sit at the place....
so many people...
not long time
my friend come liao..
we start to eat lol....

after finish eat
we go to refill the coca -cola....
so cold.....
we go to see see around
n saw brochure n take it...
we look like curi barang
actually not curi barang la...
they put there is for us to take it right
correct la...
on the way
we drink coca-cola...
half way..
i feel full
my stomach full of drink
i canot drink anymore liao
i saw got chair n tell my friend sit there for a while...
tire n BAO BAO
we see the brochure we take.....
we discuss which want better to use...
i cant tahan anymore liao...
i'm so cold.....
after rest
we go to toilet
we throw the drink lol...
havent finish yet also....
but we really canot drink liao
after toilet
we go to the MPH see the magazine.....
we go in n go to magazine place there
my friend said 'EH' very loud..
i though she saw her friend
but no wo
the guy said u alone ah...where 'si ming '
i hear my name
n i saw there
my friends eh
thiam yik
wai lun also there
pui sun also
like this we also can meet de
v can lom pang car liao
they walk to watson n see things
suddenly my friends go to the MC Donald there
dun wan la
they buy ais cream eat
i thought they buy for their own only...
my friend take two ais cream for me n my friend
my stomach cant put food liao
first time eat so much things
i canot tahan liao
v eat n chi chat
my friend see got the guy that i n my friend see just nw
we go outside very fast
coz the guy come to said donate money
i n my friend walk very fast
like see ghost
one of my friend said y walk so fast
after see see around
v go back lol
the guy fetch me back skul
good lol..
thank for him ah....
v go tbr there buy mounting boarg
after that
v go back skul for the pm class
i said to my friend that i wana vomit liao
coz too much food liao
my friend said also
i said wana go canteen buy xuan mei mah
coz i really full n vomit
v go n buy
we see xuan mei liao
v go back class
n i fast fast open the xuan mei eat
medium la....
i rest n half asleep ...
coz if i talk i will vomit out
i rest n rest
the teacher also close light de
nvm la..
my friend also sleep
my stomach look like wana BAO ZHA liao
the class finish..
my friend n i go to find hot water
outside got but not so hot de
better dun hav la..
i drink it
feel a little bit better liao
we go back class
about 6.35pm
the class finish liao
my friend n i go to library on9
about pm
i go back home
i'm nw finish eat dinner
my stomach full of food
look like wana vomit liao
i wan rest liao
tmr go out with my friends

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


2day wednesday
wat going on 2day
my bro last day exam
need to wait him
luckily my friend ask me to eat lunch
then i can go gai gai to use my time do that
if not i will stay there until 6pm leh
hard to wait la..
even i can stay at cit there play game
but too tired also la
if sit there long time..
so i finish class then wit my friend lol
long time lol
my friend said no cancel class
i need wait until my friend finish class
nvm la..
i can play facebook
i play play n play
the time r past past n past
my stomach call us liao la..
so hungry
i sms my friend whether finish class jorr mei...
my friend replied me havent yet..
i continue play game lol..
until 2.30pm
my friend message me finish class liao
i tell my friend go to the canteen there wait me..
finally i saw my friend liao
i tell my friend i so hungry liao n so tired sit at cit there
we fast fast go wangsa there eat pan mian....
we take metro bus go there...
arrive there then my friend bring me to the restaurant
so far
walk about 5min...
finally reach liao..
my friend said sit at lou shang
i walk in n friend bring me go up n we find a place to sit..
we order pan mian n drinks....
we talk much n much .....
finally the food n drink r coming...
i eat it...
we finish eat then i recommand go to jusco there...
coz i need to waste my time la...
if not i go skul also go play com...
we go to jusco n see see around..
we go many place..
we also buy ais cream eat..
long time no eat mc donald ais cream liao..
tie around 5pm...
we decided go back skul
coz i so tired liao
i cant walk liao
we take metro bus also go back
reach skul already 5.30pm..
i ask my friend when go back..
wana with me go play com mah...
my friend said follow lol....
we go there play facebook...
until 6 pm something..
my friend said wana go back..
then i follow lol..
coz my bro finish jorr..but he havent call me yet
so i follow my friend go out
i wait my bro at canteen there
i wait so long time
some more so hot like hell bro call me where i am..
i tell him i'm at canteen there..
finally i saw him liao
i fast fast go into car..
air cond
i wan air cond...
xuang ah.......
2day happy bcoz can go out with my friend
hope can go out with u next time....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

raining day + thunder wet my body n shirt n hair......wat happen ???raining heavy lol....not only raining ....the thunder also geng leh.....i very very scare about friend n i go to TBR there about pm like that..when we going the rain not so heavy..but when we finish buy the raining heavy liao....some more the thunder too li hai liao friend n i share umbrella coz i pa pa de thunder....we fast fast walk back to skul.....hah.....when we reach skul the rain still heavy ..v go short cut to the class...on the way..the rain add more heavy....add more heavy...until my trousers n hair n shirt kena hujan...i look like friend also....v fast fast go to the toilet...haiz...first time meet like more next time liao la.....tmr go out with my friend....anticipating....

Friday, June 5, 2009

mY Friend

today happy ah...after class go gai gai with my friend....long time no see her..miss her so much even she also study same skul with me but different course..she is study FD.....after class i sms to her that i finish class.....she reply to me that she havent finish ....then i go to library photostat the paper.....after this i go to see down there got computer play anot..Wah... no place leh...Hw ...So i plan go to CIT play computer....Haiz....HOT ah..the weather hot like hell....i go there i feel very hot inside my body.....i go to find the place n sit down ...i log in facebook to play...i message to my friend that i at CIT play computer.....i play BARN BUDDY...very lag leh......sudden..i receive my friend's message that she wan me go to v block to teman her pass up something...then i said ok lol...i play a while then i go out...i go out i saw my friend stand outside...he said got class after this...i bye bye to him then i go to meet my friend....i saw her stand at the notice board there...we go to the office there pass up paper...after pass up we go to the bus top take the metro bus go to jusco...we go the wangsa maju lrt there that walk to the jusco....we walk n people give my friend one paper that is friend said dun wan dun wan..she said nvm la can go back see my friend n i stop walking n take the paper...she talk so n talk n said the cacat people n ask us write name n tell us many thing n ask us wan to give hw many moneY...DAMN LA.....we kena tipu liao..HAIZ....we talk to her we dun hav so much talk n talk...finally we give her dollar..we share with m friend .....GO the Hell la people....tipu orang....we walk very fast n very angry..BAD LUCK....first time go there meet like this happening....we walk to the jusco n decide go to many people...i find the place n my friend waiting ....we order the filo - o fish to eat..we sit down n eat n chit chat..we talk so much...ah....forgot one thing..i saw my classmate leh....he n his girlfriend leh....HAHA...finish eat we go to shopping..v go to many place n shop....v saw my cut things..v decide buy many thing but finally no buy coz v only window shopping no money to buy that....happy gai gai with my friend leh......around v go back tired already...v go to CIT play facebook ...she give me see her classmate's photo....v play may game.....v sit there until 6pm ..then v go back lol..i said bye bye to her........see u next wednesday lol.....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


just nw finish class my mum n dad go to wangsa maju there to my aunt's office.....go there my brother -in-law ask us wana eat anot...then we go to eat..i thought we need use car...after that he walk up there and go inside...oh...not need use car..just walk one or two step then reach restaurant liao...... order the fried rice n apple juice....i already order liao my biao ge said the fried rice very big....nvm la..already order liao....v eat n chi chat..suddenly go many walk down from the stairs biao ge said the dasein college is up there only.....OIC...i just noe around here b4.nw onlyi noe where the place mum said to biao gei yuan ben choose this coolege biao ge said y no choose de....HAHA..biao ge..u duno the fees about this cost mum said expensive dunwan need 30k for three years....HAIZ....after that my mum said go to ask whether can proceed to degree anot.....then i think...ask la..dun ask duno hw the fees....after we eat..biao ge bring us go to office there ....v go inside ....then i ask whether got degree study anot at dasein..the gal said dun only hav diploma three years then graduate degree....not need ask liao....after that v go back office again to wait....
v saw my another biao ge bring his daughter come here....his 's wife also coming....his 's daughter very very very cute....her look like japanese person....her skin white red beautiful...some more so fat..v play with her......about 3 something v go back home....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

CIT centre

Now the time is 3.58pm......i'm here about one hour like that...i'm at CIT centre to playing facebook..searching info about the typeface...searching ...searching n searching...finally, i successful to find the typeface.....there got many type...WOW...need my time to search which wan better...nw the CIT not so many people liao...just nw when i come here..WAH..need to BERATUR leh...last sem i come here not need like that can just go in...2day i go in need to waiting the place...finally turn me com playing...i sit down long time got many people doing the sounds like talking...listening song without headset...clicking mouse...walking....typing keyboard......all the sound make me sudden feeling headache...haiz..this make me no mood to searching liao..feel like friend coming..she said she wan i borrow com to her..she print time table n student loan...after that she go back her hostel ....Hopefully my heachache can feeling well la....i continue my facebook......

Monday, June 1, 2009

Good News or Bad News....???

2day first day start skul liao early class at 8am....2day wake up at 6am....haiz...i wan sleep a bit more la...WHY...why the this sem time table not good wan..monday class at 8am n thursday class finish at 8pm...WOW...TARC !!!!!!!!u so GOOD ah.......Watever....we also need to follow...complaint also no use wan de...FOLLOW la....the first class that we attend is English For Mass Communication...the teacher is guy n malay.....he so 'luo so' ....many things to take two hours to finish one thing already change in this sem is...the coursework of the English For Mass Communication is 60% liao n the final is 40%...harr......y change hard to score 60% la even the 40% hard to score it dun said 60% la..haiz.......watever la..TARC ....!@#$%^&*()_+_)(*&^%$#...after that we go to attend class at only one hour friend go to canteen buy bread n we go to class waiting coz no others place that we can we walk to V block...v go to class but there got teacher at first saw the teacher i duno guy or gal..coz the teacher hair a bit long but not too my friend n me scare to go inside....we find a room n waiting coz havent reache time yet.... we sit at class to rest....after minute ago...i go to see the door is close n i ask my friend wanna go inside anot....we take bag n go inside the class. i open the door n see people inside the teacher is leave liao..that is our thinking....v closed the door n sit n v play the projector..suddenly my friend go near the door..the door is open ....i thought my classmate is coming...when we the just nw teacher n we shine..we go back our place n sit...the teacher is guy n for me i look at him i will think MICHAEL JACKSON...he really look like coz his face white bi=ut not so white la..n his mouth red....hAHA..the laugh things is when he talk to us prefer chinese or friend said chinese the teacher speak chinese ...some i can hear wat mean teacher speak some i cant so my friend answer teacher question...i really canot hear wat he said when he speak chinese or english..either one la....i duno is my chinese 'TUI BU' LIAO LA...or wat la...i talk to my friend about that...she also laugh....the teacher said to us again with chinese...n we SAID 'HARR....'the teacher repeat again n said better speak english la....HAIZ.....after that my friend said she got caller wana go out so i also go out with her...coz i scare i sit alone inside class with the teacher....BLA...BLA..BLA....BLA...BLA...the class finish n we go to canteen eat..after that we go to library playing computer n online...coz want waiting next class that is at 2pm....waiting ...waiting...waiting..the time is 1.30pm...we walk to class that is far away.....our class at DKABD ....reach class jor...but inside got many people..the worst things is no warm n warm...some more many people inside at the down there...finally we know that is our junior GRAPHIC DESIGN YEAR ONE...that is teacher teache them ...we hear the sound look like some one ...n we see is NCF...our previous lecturer...he teach us drawing....nw he teach them conceptual design...they so cham wo..let NCF teach....haha....after a while..our lecture come liao n start to teach...she said she is 'DAI KE' ba liao...not ms jacqueline....she will teach us few week only....she start to teach ..when she explain the coursework n give assignment...i saw that write 100% coursework n no final exam..everybody happy about that...she also said drawing n layout n illustration also same things...that is 100% coursework...HARR.....y like GOOD news OR BAD news leh.....i still thinking......let give me time to suitable it...coz pass or fail that is me to control it...if i simply do the assignment i wil i must do it well....gAMBATEH ba.....


yesterday is my grandmother 's birthday ...everyone come to celebrated withe her....we all go to restaurant that is placed at jalan ipoh there..the restaurant name 老马子......we are first time go there we duno the foods delicious anot la.....we go there about 6pm like that...about 6.15pm everyone already reach n we order the foods....overall we order 8 foods....we all chit chat while waiting the foods come....after half n hour ...the food come liao...when the people put down the food we all shock...u noe why mah???....coz the food are so small n little...everyone only can eat a little bit ...we all laughing n asking why so litle we call the people to cook big then we enough to eat...haiz...first time meet the food very little....but also quite full coz we order many foods....after finish eating we take out the cake n sing a birthday song to my grandmother..she very happy with that....we all alos happy....after that we start to cut the cake ...the flavour of cake is yam n up there got fruit...its very delicious....YUMMU..YUMMY....