Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My birthday

2day my birthday....
i thought only my friend , jes noe de
DIM JI....
my friends noe 2day is my birthday...
thank you u all wo..
i very very happy...
english class my friend ask me wana go to eat anot..
i said ok lol..
finish class
my all friend said go to jusco there eat..
my friends come to me said HAPPY BIRTHDAY
thank you very much....
then v go take rapid bus go jusco
reach there
v go to MCDONALD.....
v find a place to sit..
then v go to buy burer..
i order MC CHICKEN
my friend also....
another friend order apple pie o eat..
the food is come...
v take it n go to our place there...
v sambil makan sambil bersembang
when v finish eat...
my fiend go to other people there
v all duno wat happen...
she borrow the DA HUO JI
i thought she wan use it for wat
my friend take the cake come out.
i surprise leh..
when they buy de...
watever la...
thank you....thank you....
v put the candles..
wah...19 candle leh...
they sing happy bithday song to me..
when start
the behind people also 2gether sing
shine shine leh..
but happy also..
finish jorr...
i cut cke
my friend said cut seven pieces....
it got some challenging me
but not too hard de
i finally cut liao
i seperate cake to them
it is chocolate cake..
quite delicious...
v all enjoy it...
2day thank u all celebrate my birthday
thank you....

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