Thursday, June 25, 2009


nothing special...
call my friend out..
then we goto jasco after i finish class...
my friend send messege me when i on the class
she said she boring when i will finish
i reply her n tell her wait a while..class will end soon..
my dear...
i wait u b4 also long time...
that time i wait u like 4 n 5 hours leh..
nw just two hours u wait for me u already bek tahan..
b patient dear..
i finish class jorr..
i immediately send messege to my friend that i finish class jorr....
wait at canteen there..
i walk to the canteen there after i said bye bye to my friends...
so many people there wo
i walk in front.
hey ..
canot see
coz i too short
in front people too tall liao...
wei wei wei...
i cant see...
i turn my head to back..
my friend leh..
she come in front to me
she said y u dont hear hp...
u got call me meh...
i see my hp... wo..
sorry ya..
i canot hear coz too bising..
i will change my phone when i got money...
that time i sure will hear ur call de...
we decide go to jusco..
coz only one choice
the other place we duno hw to go..
scared scared we duno go where liao..
we take metro bus go..
we chit chat a lot..
reach there we also chit chat
eat we also chit chat
walk walk around also chit chat..
so many topic we talk...
talk talk...
after we walk around..
my friend said wana walk back to skul mah..
i said can la if u wan
she said ok we walk back to skul
we decide walk back to skul
i change my nack to her..
coz she said she wan help me take
my dear...
u make sure anot..
it so heavy leh..
haha..she said can la..
ok la.
u said de
u take la...
we start to walk
havent half way..
i told my friend i wanna took bus la.
i bek tahan liao...
she said walk la..
havent tryy mah..
i sambil walk sambil laugh...
i told myself cool down..
if not 6pm havent reach skul
i continue my walk..
my friend also..
first time walk back to skul...
rm1 doller alos wan to save..
crazy us la..
when v reach the tbr there
i told my friend wana drink cold water mah..
she said ok la..
very hot nw..
v go find place sit down n order drink..
i order long yan sui....n my friend order ai yu bin...
come jorr...
drink come jorr...
i fai fai drink it..
my heartbeat very fast n fast..
i need rest for a while..
i ask my friend watt time nw..
she said v take half an hour to walk...
not so long ah..
but tired also...
next time i will think about it liao...
after drink ..
we go to buy things.....
after finish..
we walk back to skul..
tired neh...
my friend wana go back liao..
so i go to CIT there on9..
CIT there i searhing the assignment about layout..
outside raining leh
some more got thunder
i tell my dear friend here got thunder i scared scared.
then she reply me that my beside got people she or boy..
she said i go there ask whether can hug u anot..
i told my friend my beside people is gal wo..
i told my friend suppose sit beside guy right..
my friend ask me change nw. friend..
i wont do like that..
coz got many people here...
it so shine...
we msn very long time...
i told i doing researching...
about layout..
she recommand some restaurant...
she said very nice...
ok la..
u send send to me la...
time pass very fats..
i need go back la...
i scared scared
coz got thunder
i walk very fast..
see u again friend...

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