Wednesday, June 10, 2009


2day wednesday
wat going on 2day
my bro last day exam
need to wait him
luckily my friend ask me to eat lunch
then i can go gai gai to use my time do that
if not i will stay there until 6pm leh
hard to wait la..
even i can stay at cit there play game
but too tired also la
if sit there long time..
so i finish class then wit my friend lol
long time lol
my friend said no cancel class
i need wait until my friend finish class
nvm la..
i can play facebook
i play play n play
the time r past past n past
my stomach call us liao la..
so hungry
i sms my friend whether finish class jorr mei...
my friend replied me havent yet..
i continue play game lol..
until 2.30pm
my friend message me finish class liao
i tell my friend go to the canteen there wait me..
finally i saw my friend liao
i tell my friend i so hungry liao n so tired sit at cit there
we fast fast go wangsa there eat pan mian....
we take metro bus go there...
arrive there then my friend bring me to the restaurant
so far
walk about 5min...
finally reach liao..
my friend said sit at lou shang
i walk in n friend bring me go up n we find a place to sit..
we order pan mian n drinks....
we talk much n much .....
finally the food n drink r coming...
i eat it...
we finish eat then i recommand go to jusco there...
coz i need to waste my time la...
if not i go skul also go play com...
we go to jusco n see see around..
we go many place..
we also buy ais cream eat..
long time no eat mc donald ais cream liao..
tie around 5pm...
we decided go back skul
coz i so tired liao
i cant walk liao
we take metro bus also go back
reach skul already 5.30pm..
i ask my friend when go back..
wana with me go play com mah...
my friend said follow lol....
we go there play facebook...
until 6 pm something..
my friend said wana go back..
then i follow lol..
coz my bro finish jorr..but he havent call me yet
so i follow my friend go out
i wait my bro at canteen there
i wait so long time
some more so hot like hell bro call me where i am..
i tell him i'm at canteen there..
finally i saw him liao
i fast fast go into car..
air cond
i wan air cond...
xuang ah.......
2day happy bcoz can go out with my friend
hope can go out with u next time....

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