Tuesday, June 9, 2009

raining day + thunder

wah......so wet my body n shirt n hair......wat happen ???raining heavy lol....not only raining ....the thunder also geng leh.....i very very scare about it.....my friend n i go to TBR there about pm like that..when we going the rain not so heavy..but when we finish buy the raining heavy liao....some more the thunder too li hai liao .....my friend n i share umbrella coz i pa pa de thunder....we fast fast walk back to skul.....hah.....when we reach skul the rain still heavy ..v go short cut to the class...on the way..the rain add more heavy....add more heavy...until my trousers n hair n shirt kena hujan...i look like bath...my friend also....v fast fast go to the toilet...haiz...first time meet like this.....no more next time liao la.....tmr go out with my friend....anticipating....

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