Tuesday, June 23, 2009


HAHA.....happy happy birthday to me n brother.....
2day is my birthday n my bro...
last sunday my family n my aunt celebrate our birthday
we go to one utama there
there got T.G.I restaurant
v go there celebrate
coz my mum said wan GUE PA...
we go there around 12pm like that
we find de restaurant
many people there
the people work there said 2day celebrate HAPPY FATHER DAY
BUT celebrate birthday maybe can..
we go inside n find a seat..
we saw the menu..
i duno hw to saw la..
it's too complicated..
but i can understand also la...
we order five food.

my father order wan...fried rice....

my mun wan....chicken with black pepper...

my wan my wan....delicious leh

beer..free wan coz father days

our drink....milk shake n two hot chocalate

my bro food..wahliao..cheese leh..yummy

my aunt food...spagetti with salmon..wah..i like

i n bro birthday cake...ais cream chocalate cake...nice wo..

see!!!!!T.G.I fRIDAYS restaurant..

my family...

wei!!bro...y u close the eyes...

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