Thursday, June 11, 2009

2day stomach full of food

2day after class
i n my friend take bus go to jusco
coz we want to find advertisement
saturday want present it liao
hw??v havent finish yet
n v still havent find the bad layout...
where to find it...
i'm scare lol...
when reach there
my friend said go to eat MC DONALD
chin cai la....
coz she want eat mah
so i follow lol..
coz there no more fast food n cheap price to eat liao
we order the same set
i was sit at the place....
so many people...
not long time
my friend come liao..
we start to eat lol....

after finish eat
we go to refill the coca -cola....
so cold.....
we go to see see around
n saw brochure n take it...
we look like curi barang
actually not curi barang la...
they put there is for us to take it right
correct la...
on the way
we drink coca-cola...
half way..
i feel full
my stomach full of drink
i canot drink anymore liao
i saw got chair n tell my friend sit there for a while...
tire n BAO BAO
we see the brochure we take.....
we discuss which want better to use...
i cant tahan anymore liao...
i'm so cold.....
after rest
we go to toilet
we throw the drink lol...
havent finish yet also....
but we really canot drink liao
after toilet
we go to the MPH see the magazine.....
we go in n go to magazine place there
my friend said 'EH' very loud..
i though she saw her friend
but no wo
the guy said u alone ah...where 'si ming '
i hear my name
n i saw there
my friends eh
thiam yik
wai lun also there
pui sun also
like this we also can meet de
v can lom pang car liao
they walk to watson n see things
suddenly my friends go to the MC Donald there
dun wan la
they buy ais cream eat
i thought they buy for their own only...
my friend take two ais cream for me n my friend
my stomach cant put food liao
first time eat so much things
i canot tahan liao
v eat n chi chat
my friend see got the guy that i n my friend see just nw
we go outside very fast
coz the guy come to said donate money
i n my friend walk very fast
like see ghost
one of my friend said y walk so fast
after see see around
v go back lol
the guy fetch me back skul
good lol..
thank for him ah....
v go tbr there buy mounting boarg
after that
v go back skul for the pm class
i said to my friend that i wana vomit liao
coz too much food liao
my friend said also
i said wana go canteen buy xuan mei mah
coz i really full n vomit
v go n buy
we see xuan mei liao
v go back class
n i fast fast open the xuan mei eat
medium la....
i rest n half asleep ...
coz if i talk i will vomit out
i rest n rest
the teacher also close light de
nvm la..
my friend also sleep
my stomach look like wana BAO ZHA liao
the class finish..
my friend n i go to find hot water
outside got but not so hot de
better dun hav la..
i drink it
feel a little bit better liao
we go back class
about 6.35pm
the class finish liao
my friend n i go to library on9
about pm
i go back home
i'm nw finish eat dinner
my stomach full of food
look like wana vomit liao
i wan rest liao
tmr go out with my friends

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