Friday, June 5, 2009

mY Friend

today happy ah...after class go gai gai with my friend....long time no see her..miss her so much even she also study same skul with me but different course..she is study FD.....after class i sms to her that i finish class.....she reply to me that she havent finish ....then i go to library photostat the paper.....after this i go to see down there got computer play anot..Wah... no place leh...Hw ...So i plan go to CIT play computer....Haiz....HOT ah..the weather hot like hell....i go there i feel very hot inside my body.....i go to find the place n sit down ...i log in facebook to play...i message to my friend that i at CIT play computer.....i play BARN BUDDY...very lag leh......sudden..i receive my friend's message that she wan me go to v block to teman her pass up something...then i said ok lol...i play a while then i go out...i go out i saw my friend stand outside...he said got class after this...i bye bye to him then i go to meet my friend....i saw her stand at the notice board there...we go to the office there pass up paper...after pass up we go to the bus top take the metro bus go to jusco...we go the wangsa maju lrt there that walk to the jusco....we walk n people give my friend one paper that is friend said dun wan dun wan..she said nvm la can go back see my friend n i stop walking n take the paper...she talk so n talk n said the cacat people n ask us write name n tell us many thing n ask us wan to give hw many moneY...DAMN LA.....we kena tipu liao..HAIZ....we talk to her we dun hav so much talk n talk...finally we give her dollar..we share with m friend .....GO the Hell la people....tipu orang....we walk very fast n very angry..BAD LUCK....first time go there meet like this happening....we walk to the jusco n decide go to many people...i find the place n my friend waiting ....we order the filo - o fish to eat..we sit down n eat n chit chat..we talk so much...ah....forgot one thing..i saw my classmate leh....he n his girlfriend leh....HAHA...finish eat we go to shopping..v go to many place n shop....v saw my cut things..v decide buy many thing but finally no buy coz v only window shopping no money to buy that....happy gai gai with my friend leh......around v go back tired already...v go to CIT play facebook ...she give me see her classmate's photo....v play may game.....v sit there until 6pm ..then v go back lol..i said bye bye to her........see u next wednesday lol.....

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